
Mod Settings (CommonAPI2 or TPFMM)

See also
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Use common api or tpfmm (as soon as available) for customization. You can also copy the following to a file named settings.lua into the mods main directory.

return {
	passengerCapacityMultiplier = 4,
	cargoCapacityMultiplier = 3,
	lifespanMultiplier = 1,
	loadSpeedMultiplier = 1,
	powerMultiplier = 1,

The file shows the active default settings.

Extended Capacity Configuration

It is also possible to customize the capacity multipliers for every vehicle type and cargo. To do so you need to create a file named capacitySettings.lua in the mods main directory.

The file needs the following structure:

return {
  <vehicleType> = {
    <cargoType> = <multiplier

Example file

return {
  air = {
    passengers = 4,
    coal = 2.5,
    _all = 3
  _all = {
    passengers = 4,
    _all = 3

The vehicleType and cargoType must be written in lowercase. The vehicleType comes from the transportVehicle.carrier in the mdl. The cargoType comes from the type in the compartments or loadConfigs list.

You can always us the _all key as fallback for all values which are not in the current list. The last _all fallback in the example above is optional, this is always created from the Mod Settings.